
Terugdringen Stikstofemissies vereist Wortel en Stok

Economisch Statistische Berichten 105: 48-51 (2020)
Joint with Jeltsje van der Meer-Kooistra & Henk Folmer
This paper is part of a special issue on Sustainable Agriculture (ESB 4791S)
| article (open access – in Dutch)

Increasing Ecosystem Services Benefits through Spatially Coordinated Land Management

Cornhusker Economics (26 August 2015)
Joint with Simanti Banerjee, Timothy Cason & Nick Hanley
| article

Geef Boeren Geld om Stikstofschade in de Toekomst te Beperken

Trouw (8 January 2020)
Joint with Henk Folmer
| article (in Dutch)

Why Falling Oil Prices should not Undermine Investment in Green Energy

The Conversation (12 May 2015)
Joint with Isaac Tabner
| article

Milieuverdragen Stimuleren Kennistransfers

Economisch Statistische Berichten 94(4574): 761-763 (2009)
Joint with Thijs Dekker, Herman Vollebergh & Cees Withagen
(in Dutch)

Subsidies voor Schone Technologie Nadelig voor Milieu

Economisch Statistische Berichten 86: 528-531 (2001)
Joint with Andries Nentjes
(in Dutch)